Are you looking for gift ideas for outdoorsy boys on your shopping list? Look no further! The holiday season is upon us, and the pressure is on. As a mom of three sons and one outdoor-loving husband, I know that shopping for them can be challenging. I get it. They like to be outside, but we live in the Midwest, so that means the weather can be crazy! Being prepared is super important because getting caught in the rain while on an outdoor adventure without the right gear can be a real bummer.
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Outdoorsy Boys Love Adventure
One of the qualities my family strives to instill in our sons is a love for adventure. We encourage our boys to explore the outdoors daily. Whether online, on foot, or in our own backyard, we strive to give them an opportunity to learn and explore each day.
Since they spend so much time outside, we’ve learned that having great gear is super important! And as a mom who really enjoyed lounging on the beach pre-Mom status, I never knew exactly what that meant until now.
Outdoorsy Boys Love Gear
If there’s one thing an outdoor-loving boy enjoys more than anything, it’s quality gear. Gadgets and gizmos for braving the elements will delight your youngster! My own sons’ eyes light up at the prospect of a new gadget to take on the trails or to the campsite. They love it all. When we shop at our favorite local outdoor supply stores or peruse the Amazon marketplace, they always find something new to add to their list of things they “must have” for our next outdoor adventure.
This year I asked my guys what they’d love to find under the tree. They overwhelmingly provided me with lists of exciting outdoor gear to take on their future adventures. I am so excited to see their faces when they see all the fun I had picking out cool stuff for them!
Without Further ado, I present to you my gift ideas for outdoorsy boys list of gifts for the 2022 holiday season!
Carabiner Clips
These are great for light use and my sons love to use them to clip things on their belt loops. They’re not rated for climbing use, though, so be sure to check if that’s why you want them!
Hiking Backpack
Outdoorsy boys love a functional backpack. There are many options out there, and it’s important to choose one that’s lightweight and meets your guy’s needs. Here’s one we like for our preteen guys and one for younger kids, as well. They both come in multiple colors, and at less than $50, you can’t go wrong.
Each of our four kids have a hammock that we take camping. They love to lay in them and rest after a long day of playing and exploring. My only advice is to get one for each child because they will fight over them! And the dual ones are great for snuggling up with your favorite little (or big) explorer.
Fire starters
My sons know how to start campfires safely because we taught them. If you’re ready to trust them with a fire starter, then I promise they’ll love it! *It’s a responsibility, so please use discretion and supervision when gifting a fire starter.
Paracord Bracelets
Paracord, or 550 cord, is a survivalist standard. It’s a versatile cordage that can be used for a variety of situations. These bracelets keep it handy and also come with some other helpful tools such as a compass and a whistle.
Rain Gear
Kids love to stomp around in the rain, and Midwesterners know better than others that a shower can pop up at any time. Having a compact rain suit is so helpful! We have one for each member of our family, and they’ve come in handy more times than I ever expected.
Being able to read a compass is a valuable skill. Having one in your backpack could be a difference-maker in an emergency situation. Toss one into your outdoorsy boy’s backpack and always be able to find your way back!
Sleeping bag
Every kid I’ve ever met loves snuggling up in a sleeping bag. They’re versatile and can be used indoors and out. There are tons of options available for various temperature ratings. This one is highly rated, affordable, comes in a ton of colors, and is great for three seasons of outdoor use.
Outdoorsy boys will feel self-reliant and excited to get their first multi-tool. A staple in any hiker’s backpack, a multitool has endless uses. This one is great because it has everything except a knife, making it a great choice for younger adventurers.
My sons ask for flashlights every year. We have them tucked everywhere! Our house, vehicles, camper, garage, toolbox, and backpacks all have a flashlight. We love headlamps and handhelds. They’re great for visibility and a good, old-fashioned game of flashlight tag.
Outdoorsy Boys Will Enjoy Any of These Gifts
I promise you can’t go wrong with any of these ideas if you’re stumped on gift ideas for outdoorsy boys this year. Year after year, my sons (and daughter, too) look forward to adding new and improved versions of these outdoor adventuring necessities to their stock. Did I forget anything? Shoot me an email at