Choosing to homeschool

More People Are Choosing To Homeschool: Here’s Why

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There are more people choosing to homeschool than ever before! One of the most common questions I get as a homeschool mom is: why would you want to keep your kids at home? I’m going to share 5 reasons why more people are choosing to homeschool now than 20 years ago.

Why are more people choosing to homeschool?

Choosing to homeschool offers flexibility

With the increase of work-at-home and remote career options, today’s parents have a lot more flexibility in their schedules than our parents did.  As a result of being able to work hours other than the typical 9-5, more and more parents have time in their schedules to homeschool. 

The public education system, while helpful for families with traditional work schedules, is unable to offer flexible schedules that many modern families now keep. Homeschooling has become a viable option for more people simply because of the changing landscape in the business world.

No more high stakes testing

 As a former public school teacher, I am the first person to tell others about why I didn’t pursue a return to the classroom: standardized testing.  The emphasis on standardized test scores is so important to schools and their staff that it has become the goal, instead of other worthy educational pursuits. Teaching students how to pass a particular test is much different than teaching students critical thinking skills and fostering a passion for lifelong learning.

In today’s classrooms across the country, teachers and students are spending many hours preparing and engaging in testing.  There is little evidence to prove this is beneficial to the overall growth of students. In fact,  many studies now suggest that the extra testing is causing anxiety for kids across the country.     

Homeschooling doesn’t require weeks of standardized testing.  In Ohio, we can choose testing or a portfolio review for an end of year assessment.  A portfolio is far more indicative of student growth than a test written by bureaucrats. Ask any teacher you know.

Personal values are upheld

With a nation of people who seem to be at odds over every little thing,  some parents are concerned about the types of values (or lack thereof) their children will be exposed to at school. Some families choose homeschooling as a way to incorporate religious studies and preserve their belief system. By keeping children at home, they are able to learn the values of the family’s choosing. Some sensitive topics are being put into the hands of schools today, and some such topics are introduced at a very young age. 

Many parents would prefer to preserve childhood a bit longer and alleviate the stress and pressure to conform with values they may not hold.

Family time is increased

Spending time with people you love is never wasted! No one will ever look back on their life and say, “Oh man, I spent too much time with my kids.” Being together as a family is another reason more families are opting to homeschool. Those with spouses who are shift-workers are able to tailor the school day to meet their individual family’s needs. Child up late to see dad before work? Sleeping in and starting the day a bit later isn’t a problem! Family visiting from out of town? Your child can do their schoolwork around activities and visiting!

Experiences for learning

One of the most exciting things about homeschooling is being able to offer a variety of life experiences to your children.  Field trips are an exciting experience for homeschool families.   With the constant budget cuts in public schools,  field trips are few and far between.

When trimming the public school budget,  electives often find themselves as early victims of the red pen. Many schools have been forced to phase out life skills classes such as home economics and shop. Homeschool parents are able to offer these skills as part of their children’s education. Public schools simply aren’t able to offer a variety of programs that you can find as a homeschool family.

What If I Choose to Homeschool?

If you’re thinking about homeschool for your family, I encourage you to do some research. I hope you can find these helpful resources a great place to start! Drop me a line if I can help you start your homeschool journey!

  1. Beginner’s Guide to Homeschool
  2. First 4 Steps to Homeschooling

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